Testimonial by Multimedia Artist Magali A Cult

'There are Oscars for cinema.

If there were any for musical pedagogy,

I would give it to you without hesitation!'

- Christian Gedin, France

Promo Video: Elisabeth Lohninger Vocalist/Voice Master Teacher

(all vocals by Elisabeth Lohninger)

Testimonial by singer-songwriter Dima Sirota (in German)

Take Lessons With Elisabeth Lohninger

You love to sing but don't know where to start? 

You have had some experience but want to improve your vocal technique? 

You have sung in choirs, may even have done some solo singing, but those high notes have always eluded you?

Hi, my name is Elisabeth Lohninger. For the last 30 years I have helped people who love singing, from young beginners to passionate amateurs to music pros. In today's world there are many ways to improve your singing. You can go on youtube and watch videos about singing. Or you can buy an online singing course, or a book. The problem is, none of these things will help you become a better singer in the long run. The ear, experience, and immediate feedback of a professional voice teacher are invaluable in training the voice.

I like to look at the singer as a whole person. Everything you are informs your singing: your voice is housed in your body, along with your mind and spirit. All of it needs to be taken into account.

Oftentimes we may have acquired bad singing habits that we then may need to unlearn. So why not start by learning good habits from the get-go?

My approach to singing is tailored to each individual student, with specific exercises given for specific needs. There is no one-size-fits-all approach in my voice studio. It is my mission to guide you along the way of finding and developing your very own, unique singing voice. Together we can build it, strengthen it and make it ring.

About me:

I am a professional vocalist, songwriter and voice teacher based in New York City. I have recorded thirteen albums so far and am a faculty member at the New School For Jazz And Contemporary Music.

'My teacher Elisabeth is so fantastic. She makes me laugh, which makes our lessons more fun and interesting. She is so amazing that I have to say she is the best singing teacher I have had so far. She explains vocal warm-ups and exercises that I didn't even know existed before I saw her. My singing voice is remarkable because of my teacher.'

Zara K., California (14 years old)

Lessons are available (in English and German):

·       On Zoom (worldwide)

·       In Person New York City (message for availabilities)

·       In Person Düsseldorf/Germany (message for availabilities)

Group Lessons available upon request

Block rates available upon request

Schedule your first lesson at [email protected] or click the button below to ask a question.

Lesson Fee:

Here are some things I love to teach:

·       Vocal Technique

·       Song Interpretation, Phrasing

·       Vocal Jazz Improvisation

·       Theory and Ear Training

·       Solfeggio

·       Songwriting

·       Piano for Vocalists

"There is nothing more difficult than singing with a coldespecially the kind of virus that attacks the voice box. In an hourlong session Elisabeth Lohninger gave me some amazingly helpful vocal exercises that took my voice from having about 1 octave range left from a horrible cold, to being able to perform a concert with no one knowing I was battling a cold. I have since recommended her to singer friends who have had the same result. She's a vocalist's treasure!!"

Audrey Martells, songwriter, actor, vocalist with the band CHIC and Nile Rogers

"Moving forward I will always have Elisabeth present at vocal sessions with artists I work with. I would also suggest they study with her ahead of time. I can't believe the difference her direction and presence at the last vocal recording session made to the artist and myself! The artist was overjoyed as was I. I would never have been able to draw that kind of performance out of her myself. Elisabeth's style is direct and professional but what is most striking is how nurturing and supportive she is at the same time. She's awesome."

-Jeff McErlain, Guitarist/Producer

"Elisabeth Lohninger is a life saver, a voice and tone locator and a soul opener. I love her approach and her attention to a vocalist's individual strengths and vulnerabilities."

Morley Shanti-Kamen, singer-songwriter, educator

"I am a big believer in her abilities as a teacher. I am a professional opera singer and have been performing for the past 20 years in Europe and especially Germany. I've always been fascinated by jazz and wanted to explore this genre of music with all of its intricacies. I took part in a one week jazz workshop where Elisabeth was one of the teachers. The way she used her voice, it was obvious to me that she was a versed vocal technician. The workshop was very intense and there were many singers involved with very varying vocal abilities. I was very impressed with Elisabeth's ability to treat each singer individually. She was able to quickly analyse each singers strengths and weaknesses and was quick to give them suggestions and exercises that helped them immediately and immensely. I then decided to ask for a private lesson with Elisabeth. She gave me some very useful suggestions and exercises I was able to instantly put into practice. She has my highest recommendation as a vocal teacher."

Christina Clark, opera singer

“With Elisabeth I’ve got to know the magic world of jazz music in a super exciting way. She is extremely professional and filled with knowledge. Within the first lesson I already stepped out of my comfort zone and learned to improvise on the bass and drum lines of a jazz standard. At the end of every lesson I was filled with energy and motivated to continue to study.” Maya Lisa, vocalist, songwriter

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Please e-mail me at [email protected] for more information.

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Please note that for coaching services we do not offer a refund.

As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own refund policy here.